Tuesday 24 October 2017

PLANNING Practice shoot video



Our whole media class made a practice shoot which we each had to edit. Here is my version

1 comment:

  1. A+: really good work at this stage! Although used for comic effect, the work on Foley (post-production re-recording) sound is good, including attention to ambient sound. Suitable opening sequence; sharp, pacey editing with enough shot variety to keep it lively + engaging. Use of SFX, linked well to sound (but take care over sound levels - the metal fragments are far too loud in the mix). The fade in/out linked to heartbeat is nicely done, and good to see effort made to include idents too.
    The missing footage should teach a valuable lesson in planning + organisation.
    There are some jerky pans: try out multiple tripods to find one you're happy with.
    Discontinuity editing can be effective, but if considering a loop it needs to be short takes + fast
    The greenscreen shots are obviously silly, but useful practice.
    You can also see how the camera can struggle with action shots such as whip pans, so make sure you check these out on shoots.
    Impressive - you clearly have strong potential as a creative editor and filmmaker.
