Friday 2 February 2018

CS SLASHER Research on Cherry Falls


The film opening of Cherry falls(Geoffrey Wright)(2000) is of a couple who are being intimate and showing obvious sexual attraction between the two. The cuts are mostly close up and are short. The editing is fast paced with sinister music in the background which makes the audience hold their breath. The couple have a small argument and the shot goes from inside the car to the outside from a stalkers POV. There is non- diegetic  sound in the background to achieve verisimilitude. This is created using crickets and wind. There is another car that pulls up and the male gets out of the car to play the role of the strong hero, while the girl stays and watis for him to return. The actress holds her fright and sadness throughout the film opening and never 'recovers'.
Image result for cherry falls car scene

To sum it up

  • Fast paced editing.
  • Large variety of different shots.
  • Use of close ups (with hand placement, to show more emotion).
  • The characters are frightened throughout. 
  • Use of diegetic and non - diegetic sound achieve verisimlitude.

How will we apply this to our film opening?

  1. We will use a variety of shots and shorten our takes from our previous rough cut.
  2. There wil be close ups of hand placements to signify more emotion.
  3. To achieve verisimilitude the actor/actress will need to seem frightened even after the scare.
  4. Have fast paced editing to keep the audience engaged. 

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