Monday 29 January 2018

JC BBFC Age Ratings


The BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) are a trusted guide to media content and work as a independent, self-financing, not-for profit media content regulator, this means they aim to protect the public from content that may be harmful and to empower the public to make informed viewing choices

BBFC Guidline for an 18 age rated movie

BBFC Guidlines for a 15 age rated movie

If a movie is rated an 18 it severely reduces the reach of the film, the movie is much less likely to do well in cinemas as the most common age to go to the cinema is 15-16, this is a huge loss of market potential and will not only reduce the box office but the overall success of the film. However, the majority of slasher films will be an age 18 due to the gore and swearing, also, having an age rating of 18 for a slasher film can appeal too a slasher audience as it can suggest gore and for the movie to be scary. Because of this we are aiming our film for an age 18 certificate, also, because our film is micro-budget we are not looking for a theatrical release so the negative sides of having an 18 certificate are less prominent. Here is one of our previous posts with research on age ratings in slashers

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